Type: CSParty: ROBERT FRANKLIN RIGGSCounty: SalineAttorney/Contact: Meredith Wineland
VS CASE NO.: 63DR-23-612
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance of the authority and directions contained in the decretal order of the Circuit Court of Saline County, made and entered on the 2nd day of May, 2024, in a certain cause No. 63DR-23-612-1, then pending therein between Robert Franklin Riggs and Kimberly Erin Riggs, the undersigned, as Commissioner of said Court, will offer for sale at public vendue. The sale shall be conducted at the “Vote Here Building” located at 221 North Main St., Benton, Arkansas 72015, across the street in which said Court is held, in the County of Saline, within the hours prescribed by law for judicial sale, on the 27th day of August, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., the following described real estate, situated in Saline County, Arkansas, to-wit: All that part of the Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter, Section 18, Township 1 South, Range 14 West, Described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter and run thence North along west line thereof for 208.7 feet; thence East parallel with South Line of said Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter for 208.7 feet; thence South 208.7 feet; thence West Along South line thereof for 208.7 feet to the point of beginning containing 1 acre, more or less, Saline County, Arkansas AND Tract 1A-Part of the Southeast Quarter Southeast Quarter, Section 18, Township 1 South, Range 14 West, Saline County, Arkansas, more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southwest corner of said SE1/4 SE1/4, thence N 89 deg. 55 min. 18 sec. E, along South line of said SE 1/4 SE 1/4, 208.7 feet to the point of beginning; thence continue N 89 deg. 55 min. 18 sec., along said South line, 130.2 feet; thence N 00 deg. 28 min, 40 sec. E, 646.94 feet; thence West 338.9 feet to the West line of SE 1/4 SE 1/4; thence S 00 deg. 28 min. 40 sec. W, along said West line, 438.7 feet; thence N 89 deg. 55 min. 18 sec. E, 208.7 feet; thence S 0 deg. 28 min. 40 sec. W, 208.7 feet to the point of beginning. AND THE FOLLOWING REAL ESTATE IN MONROE COUNTY: 18271 and 18272 Hwy 39, Brinkley, AR 72021 a/k/a Parcel #2680-00052-000 and #2680-00022-000. All personal property that was introduced into the Court as evidence in Exhibit #6, with the exception of the Malibu boat and the 2013 GMC Denali, the 2021 GMC Sierra and Onan Genset/MIG/TIG/Welder and attachments will be sold. All personal property listed in Exhibit #7 shall be sold under the same terms and conditions. TERMS OF SALE: The sale shall be for cash or its equivalent on the date of sale, to the highest bidder, or the bidder must have a letter of credit from a bank to guarantee the amount of their bid. The property shall be sold subject to the mortgages so that the mortgages shall be the minimum bid on the real property. Given under my hand on July 3, 2024. MYKA SAMPLE, Commissioner in Chancery. BY: Doug Curtis, d.c. ORDERED BY: Meredith Wineland Attorney for Plaintiff 108 South Main Street Benton, Arkansas 72015, Meredithwineland@sbcglobal.net 501-315-6111. DR2T 7/16, 7/30/2024