Type:   NJF
Party:   Planet Home Lending
County:   Faulkner
Attorney/Contact:   Albertelli
Property:   51 Ranchette Rd , Conway AR 72032
Property Description:  

Prepared by: ALBERTELLI LAW 1 INFORMATION WAY, SUITE 201 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72202, (501) 406-0855, ALAW File 24-038142. MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENTION TO SELL. YOU MAY LOSE YOUR PROPERTY IF YOU DO NOT TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION. IF THIS PROPERTY IS SOLD YOU WILL REMAIN LIABLE FOR ANY DEFICIENCY WHICH THEN EXISTS AND AN ACTION TO COLLECT IT MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST YOU THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR SUCH PURPOSE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 24, 2025 at or about 10:00AM, the subject real property described herein below will be sold at the Main Entrance of the Faulkner County Courthouse, 801 Locust Street, Conway, AR 72034 to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will extinguish all interests, including those of existing lien holders or previous owners in the property. THE TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH THE TIME OF SALE AND ALL TRANSFER TAXES WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER. WHEREAS, the property secured under the Mortgage is located in Faulkner County, Arkansas more particularly described as follows: THE S1/2 OF THE S1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE SE1/4, SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 5 NORTH, RANGE 13 WEST, FAULKNER COUNTY, ARKANSAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NE CORNER OF SAID S1/2 OF THE S1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE SE1/4, THENCE RUN S00 DEGREES 53’50”E, 166.15‘ TO THE SE CORNER OF SAID S1/2 OF THE S1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE SE1/4; THENCE WEST, 669.12‘ TO THE SW CORNER OF SAID S1/2 OF THE S1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE SE1/4; THENCE N00 DEGREES 47'15”W, 166.73’ TO THE NW CORNER OF SAID S1/2 OF THE S1/2 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE NE1/4 OF THE SE1/4; THENCE S89 DEGREES 57‘00”E, 668.81’ TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY, AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OF RECORD, IF ANY. SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR MINERAL RESERVATIONS AND OIL AND GAS LEASES. Street Address: 51 Ranchette Rd Conway AR 72032. WHEREAS on June 6, 2022 Gary J. Adams and Amanda Adams, husband and wife, executed a Mortgage in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Centennial Bank. Said Mortgage was recorded on June 8, 2022 as Instrument No. L202210513 in the real property records of Faulkner County, Arkansas. Said Mortgage was subsequently assigned to Planet Home Lending, LLC by virtue of an assignment dated October 25, 2023 and recorded on October 25, 2023 as Instrument No. L202314640 in the real property records of Faulkner County, Arkansas. The party initiating foreclosure can be contacted at or in care of its servicer initiating foreclosure at: Planet Home Lending, LLC 321 Research Parkway, Suite 303 Meriden CT 06450-8301 at Telephone No. 855-884-2250; and  WHEREAS, there may be tenants that claim an interest in the real property herein based upon said tenancy; and WHEREAS, the undersigned is the attorney for the mortgagee and is acting on and with the consent and authority of the mortgagee who is exercising its power of sale under Ark. Code Ann. §18-50-115 which implies a power of sale in every mortgage of real property situated in this state that is duly acknowledged and recorded; and default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, specifically the installment due January 1, 2024, and each subsequent payment to date are now due; and the holder of the debt has requested the undersigned to sell the property to satisfy said indebtedness. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat or bill(s) of assurance; any restrictive covenants, easements, set back liens or encroachments; any unpaid and/or delinquent taxes or special assessments; any statutory redemption rights of any governmental entity; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a UCC or fixture filing; and, to any matter that an accurate survey of the property might disclose. This property is being sold "as is" with no representation as the condition of any structure(s) thereon or the accuracy of the above legal description. Transfer taxes and recording fees are the responsibility of the purchaser. WITNESS my hand this 19th day of December, 2024. Planet Home Lending, LLC, by its attorney-in-fact, Albertelli Law. Kevin Rogers, 2012031, 1 Information Way, Suite 201, Little Rock, AR 72202, 501-406-0855, A LAW No. 24-038142. DR4T 1/28, 2/04, 2/11, 2/18/2025